Monday, 25 May 2015


Zecharias E. Castro

When the Christian era began 2/3 of the Christians were slaves. These slaves were not following Christ to cease from being slaves. They were following Christ because Christ acknowledge their position in life to be the greatest position to be of use to everybody. And Christ recognize and acknowledge that the slave is the one that had the knowledge to execute the tasks their masters required of them to do.

Slaves in the time of Christ range from your typical home slave, to theater actors, dancers, singers and sport figures. The Greek theater offer the plays of the gods. Among the titan gods was Atlas, who was very daring and defy Zeus himself. For his bold defying Atlas was condemned to carry the heavens and the starry host upon his back.

The Christian not wanting to identify with this gods of debauchery and lewdness chose the condemnation of Atlas to be the very thing that would proudly represent them for what they did and managed to accomplish by being slaves. They knew that without them society would not run it’s natural course of grandeur and splendor.

In the words of Christ they found themselves described as children of The Most High God. Christ had said his followers would be those who had no place to call their own. No family, house or possession to cling to. Christ had said his followers would be constantly persecuted, ill-treated, cursed and defame( or evil spoken of) by all and eventually killed as a sheep that is bound to go to the slaughter house.

The slaves had lived all the words that Christ was saying but they had never consider themselves to be in the royal path that leads to and exalts the Creator and His Son Jesus Christ. When Christ told them they were the ones best suited in all society to bear his Good(useful) Name they gladly join the throng of believers and went with boldness to execute their tasks and chores of slaves knowing fully well in their hearts and minds God had redeem them from living to represent any man and He who sustains the Heavens in their place by the Word of His power had become their only Master.

The condemnation of Atlas became to the Christians the commendation of the Name of Christ. They were going to be a people zealous of Good(useful) works(occupations). They were going to despise idleness and any activity that would not make them do good( useful tasks) to all society. They were going to render to all their brothers and sisters in Christ all their knowledge and skills. All along they were going to be extremely careful to maintain the execution of an outpouring of good works the which the world they knew had never seen before.

These were the believers of the early church. Which of the icons above is being promoted by the church of The 21st Century?.

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